
标题: 迪拜中文教育需求调查问卷 [打印本页]

作者: 迪拜中文网    时间: 2018-4-23 10:41
标题: 迪拜中文教育需求调查问卷

您好!为了更好地服务在阿联酋生活工作和生活的华侨华人,提高华侨华人子女汉语教育水平,迪拜知识与人力发展局(KHDA)携手中国驻迪拜总领馆, 邀请您用宝贵时间如实填写以下调查问卷,为在阿同胞子女的教育情况提供全面准确的信息和反馈,以更好的支持和推动教育事业的发展。

http://t.cn/RuUANIc?u=2377951672 ... 3&cu=2377951672

填写问卷不会占用您超过10分钟的时间。 因问卷有效期为2个礼拜,所以希望您能尽快填写。


调研结束后,我们会将结果分享给愿意为迪拜多元化教育贡献力量的利益相关者。请留下您的联系方式(手机、微信或电邮等), 以便我们跟您分享结果并邀请您在未来参加关于华侨华人子女教育的各项活动。

Dear Friends,
Greetings! In order to better serve the Chinese community who live and work in the UAE and to improve the education provided to Chinese students, Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), in partnership with Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Dubai, is conducting a comprehensive survey. Please take a moment to complete the survey, which takes less than 10 minutes to complete and remains open for two weeks. We appreciate your support and feedback.
You can complete the survey in Chinese or English. Please click the language option on the top right side of the first page of the survey.
Once the survey closes, a summary of the results from the survey will be produced and shared with stakeholders interested in contributing to increasing the diversity of education in Dubai. If you leave your contact information at the end of the survey, we can provide you with results as well and invite you to participate in other activities/events and further research, should you wish to do so.
Thank you for your participation.

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