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发布时间: 2013-1-11 20:37


如何使用雅思考官范文:建议从三个层面下手:文章框架和论述逻辑,内容观点,和句子与词汇。第一个层面是熟记范文中的题目类型和对应的文章框架。五种框架不能乱套,是否合适与文章题目的问法密切相关。 在第二个 ...


迪拜中文网 发表于 2013-1-11 20:41:52

6.In order to learn a foreign language well, students should also learn about the culture and lifestyles of the people who speak the language. Do you agree or disagree?

It has been stated that when acquiring a second language, cultural and lifestyle comprehension of those who converse in the native language should be undertaken. I fully support this stance for reasons outlined in the paragraphs below.

The first point in support of this is that not all aspects of language can be translated directly, given there are implied meanings not only in the words themselves, but also the pronunciation or tone as well. Studying about the culture and lifestyles makes the learner more aware of the context that certain language is used, and therefore aids their own selection of language when conversing with others in this different tongue. This is especially evident when European speakers acquire Asian languages where they encounter different protocols and expectations in linguistic exchanges.

Another aspect to consider is that by being more familiar with the traditions and ways of life of the target language, it enhances a student’s enjoyment of the instruction given that more knowledge is gained and cultural differences are learnt. Students who do this are often more inclined to venture overseas and adapt to and be immersed in different cultures, as opposed to those who only analyse the language without this cultural context. This encourages them to study the language further compared to the others who eventually drop out of the language course as they cannot be related to the lessons.

In summary, learning about the culture and lifestyle of the people who interact in the target language that students are encountering facilitates the acquisition of the language and improves the interest for them.

(263 words)
迪拜中文网 发表于 2013-1-11 20:41:24
5.Some people think that it is the responsibility of governments to ensure that people have healthy lifestyles. Others think that people should have the freedom to choose how they lead their own lifestyles. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (A/G)
There are those who are of the view that the healthy lifestyles of the public is the responsibility of the state, while others believe that this should be left to the individual to decide. Both of these opinions will be discussed, along with a personal stance on the matter.

Looking at making governments responsible for this first of all, while it can initially require some expenditure to promote healthy living, ultimately the state can experience a saving in costs related to the medical industry. A healthier populace means that fewer hospitals and medical staff are needed, and so there is less of a financial burden on government spending, meaning that these funds allocated to health can be put to better use in other demanding areas of society.

As for the angle of permitting individuals to do as they wish, historically speaking governments around the world have not always had a good track record in promoting the health of their citizens. Given people have more information at their disposal thanks to the Internet, they can now make more informed choices that suit their beliefs or tendencies, rather than being dictated to by the state. Examples of this include the use of some pesticides several decades ago that were actually carcinogenic (致癌的), or fertility medicines in the 1960s which actually caused deformities among newborns.

In my opinion, I feel that despite the effectiveness of the state in promoting healthy ways, individuals themselves need to do their own research and decide what is best for their own needs. This is more possible now given that there is so much more information that is accessible which previous generations did not have.
(277 words)
迪拜中文网 发表于 2013-1-11 20:41:02
4.Science and technology have brought great changes to people’s lives, but artists such as musicians, painters and writers are still highly valued. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?

Despite the fact that scientific and technological advancements have transformed the lives of the general populace, artistic members of society such as musicians, painters and writers can still teach people various aspects about life that the former two cannot.

The first item worth considering is that the arts can enhance a person’s spiritual being by not only producing literature which promotes religion, but also songs and visual imagery that can inspire belief among followers. This can be seen by the Christian paintings that were produced several centuries ago in Europe, which still to this day, are a source of worship for many believers. Without music, art and literature, it is harder for a person’s spirituality to evolve, something which science opposes rather than supports.

Another point to add to this discussion is while technology can enhance music, painting and writing, it does so by removing the processes for people. People nowadays can synthesise music or utilise computer software to create art all by the click of the mouse, without truly understanding the essence of how something can be generated from within oneself. Even though these processes take longer individually than with technology, it teaches people the skill of patience and endurance, something which the younger technologically-dependent generations are now losing.

All in all, people connected to the arts are still of great worth because they can develop a person’s association with religion and can instruct people the basics of how things operate by teaching them to be more patient and durable.

(251 words)
迪拜中文网 发表于 2013-1-11 20:40:11
3.Little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, even though people have been aware of this problem for a long time. Why do people still do so little about it? Give your suggestions on how to solve this problem. (A)

A trend that has been observed is the fact that people have not been very successful at preventing the decline in animal populations and plants, despite the fact that there has been an awareness of this for some time.

Focusing on the reasons behind this phenomenon first of all, although people know that their modern lifestyles cause this problem, they are reluctant to relinquish(放弃) any improved standard of living they have achieved, nor does any aspiring family wish to forego(放弃) their right to pursue better lifestyles. To curb this problem, humans need to consume less and be more modest in their needs, which would result in less habitat being sacrificed and flora (植物群) and flauna (动物群) having the opportunity to thrive again.

As for a method to counter this issue, it is harsh to claim that individuals alone should be the ones to be left with this, but rather industry and governments need to play their part as well. Before it is decided whether an area of forest should be raised, the exact amount of devastation to plant and wildlife should be announced to the media, so people are more aware of what governments and businesses have done. This information should then be discussed with public committees and the go ahead for such a project should require the permission from all three groups.

To conclude, human consumption is the main cause of this trend, however it can be reversed somewhat if people are more aware of the impact of development along with the participation of governments and business sectors. (257 words)
迪拜中文网 发表于 2013-1-11 20:39:20
2. Some people believe that only the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve success in sports. Others think that success in sports depends on mental attitudes. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (A)

It has been suggested that to be successful in sport, fitness and strength are paramount,while others state that it is more reliant on the frame of mind of the athlete.This essay will explore both sides of the issue and present a personal perspective on the matter.

Looking at the former argument, first of all, fitness and strength are seen as necessities to succeed in the sporting arena given how competitive it is now that amateurism has given way to professionalism. Sports professionals now seek every possible advantage and adjust their regiment (团队) to ensure they have optimum strength and fitness on the day of the event, from selecting the right foods and their amounts, to the correct amount of weight and muscle training. This can be evidenced by Olympic athletes who adhere to a strict diet and exercise regime (方法) to ensure they can gain any possible second or centimeter.

As for a sports person’s mental outlook, this certainly comes into play when competition is close or when an athlete is under pressure. To be able to perform a sporting task when there is a considerable amount at stake, such as a penalty kick in a soccer final, requires mental toughness to avoid folding under pressure. It has been said that this is the difference between a good and a great sports person– their ability to perform under pressure.

Taking all of the above into consideration, I am a strong believer that it is both these attributes that are required to succeed in such a competitive sporting field in modern times, as is demonstrated by all successful sporting champions now.
(270 words)

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