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[热门专业] 迪拜加拿大大学CUD提供双语教学

发表于 2011-8-9 17:15:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
迪拜|阿布扎比|沙迦. a9 x6 U* t9 G  G( S6 i" h8 i

迪拜加拿大大学CUD 中文网站:http://www.dubaiacae.com  成为第一个在阿联酋的外国大学为商科学士学位提供双语教学:以英文,阿拉伯语作为教学语言。

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迪拜加拿大大学(CUD)最近宣布,学校计划为学生推出关于新闻专业的通讯通信;广告;公共关系的四年计划(印刷版和电子版)学士学位。新方案的亮点是学生可以选择选择英文或阿拉伯语作为教学语言,迪拜加拿大大学的这一计划是第一个在阿联酋使用提供两种语言教学的外国大学。这补充了阿联酋大学的课程的空白,这个课程以积极提供给学生需要潜在的要求为目标。 迪拜|阿布扎比|沙迦1 }3 U# E+ L% `+ T) V1 P* g


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他说:“先进的通讯技术的引进,大大改变了人们相互沟通,这反过来又改变了在社会,文化,经济和教育领域的社会的相互关系,在这些变化,迪拜加拿大的大学希望引入新的本科课程的沟通,这将成为一个发展良好,新一代合格的传播者是理解和定制的思想和信息时代的工具,服务于社会利益的能力的工具’迪拜的加拿大大学穆罕默德卡比尔教务处副校长博士说 。

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迪拜加拿大大学成立于2006年,有工商管理学院,建筑与室内设计学院,工程学院,应用科学与技术学院,环境与健康学院,文科学院。该大学目前提供的高等教育正在开发的六个项目17计划得到阿联酋科研部认可。目前,迪拜加拿大大学CUD有在校学生来自超过86国家,超过1,755学生。 迪拜加拿大大学CUD位于战略性迪拜的金融,商业和旅游区的中心地带,扎耶德路香格里拉大酒店的后面。

Canadian University of Dubai (CUD),  recently announced that it’s planning to launch a four-year program in communications leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Communications for students who want to specialise in either journalism (print and electronic), advertising or public relations. The new program stands out as students have the option to choose either English or Arabic as the medium of instruction, making Canadian University of Dubai the UAE’s first foreign university to offer this program in both languages. This complements the university’s goal of offering courses that are responsive to the needs and requirements of potential students.

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CUD has designed the new course to serve as a springboard into a wide variety of public relations, journalism and multimedia careers, while preparing students to work on all media platforms and familiarising them with the latest IT and multimedia tools. Students will be offered core courses and electives, including: Principles of Writing for the Media, Communication Theories, News Reporting, Designing Media Messages, Public Opinion, and so on. Students will also be given a chance to do a practicum.www.uaedate.com( g# H0 h- I. m; H' V, A

"The introduction of advanced communication technologies has significantly changed the way people communicate with each other. This in turn has altered the interrelations of societies in the social, cultural, economic and educational spheres. In light of these changes, Canadian University of Dubai wishes to introduce the new undergraduate program in Communication, which will serve as a tool in developing a new generation of well-qualified communicators who are capable of understanding and customising the ideas and tools of the information age to serve the interests of the community," said Dr. Muhammed Kabir, Vice President of Academic Affairs for the Canadian University of Dubai.

“By offering the course in Arabic and English we are reaching out to a wider student community and giving them an opportunity to become experts in the communications domain,” he added.  

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Upon completion of all degree requirements, students receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication. Graduates will be equipped with skills and knowledge to enter professional fields such as publishing, editing, production, planning and research, while they may also find jobs in any communication capacity in areas as varied as diplomacy, business, government, non-profit agencies, professional associations, healthcare companies and international organisations.
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The Canadian University of Dubai is also planning to launch a four-year Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Translation degree program. This course is designed to equip individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in translation and interpreting in such environments such as television and radio, government offices, foreign embassies, courts, colleges, universities and other organisations that demand translation skills and services
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Established in 2006, the Canadian University of Dubai consists of the School of Business Administration, School of Architecture and Interior Design, School of Engineering, Applied Science and Technology, and School of Environment and Health, and School of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The university currently offers 17 programs accredited by the UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research with six more programs currently under development. At present, CUD serves more than 1,755 students from more than 86 nationalities. CUD is strategically located in the heart of Dubai’s financial, business and tourist district, behind the Shangri-La Hotel, Sheikh Zayed Road.

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